Focus is sorcery.
For where it goes, things happen.
It allows desires to seek the possibility
And our disbelief to grow into reality.
We demand focus all the time.
From all but ourselves.
Will it work its charm here?
Or is this a one-man kind of improv?
With focus comes entanglement
And that is complex to decipher.
How will I ever know if it's my need?
Is my focus on-point or distorted by other's beliefs?
I see now that he and I are no different
We seek the same, we are the same.
Reflecting each other as clearly as water.
We teach and learn that our focus will drive the game.
When life seems like a moving target.
And it's almost impossible to get through in.
I let go of everything and in the nothing
The magical wand of focus swipes up the win.